December 2021 Deacons Meeting

Location:  Providence Presbyterian Church

Date/Time:  12/20/2021 7:00 PM Virtual

Chairman:  Steve Yount

Deacons Present:  Steve Yount, Bill Sullivan, Rich Carver

Others Present:  David Hina

  1. Opened in Prayer - David Hina

  2. Item #1 Old Business

    1. Sign design still outstanding - David will discuss with Andrew Carver

    2. Parking lot - still waiting on Mr Crisp…Steve will call him back

    3. Painting of Building - David to set schedule with James

    4. Budget - Bill and David gave an overview of budget

  3. Item #2 Mercy Ministry

    1. Training continues

    2. Still working with Brenda and Janell. Update from Pastor on Andrew

  4. Item #3 New Business

    1. Bo Woods was recommended for Deacon and/or elder

  5. Rich Carver closed with prayer