January 2022 Deacons Meeting

Location:  Providence Presbyterian Church

Date/Time: January 27, 2022 

Chairman:  Steve Yount

Deacons Present:  Bill Sullivan, Rich Carver, Steve Yount

Others Present:  David Hina

  1. Opened in Prayer - Pastor Hina

  2. Item #1 - Old Business

    1. Church Sign David will meet with Andrew Carver to discuss design graphics

    2. Painting exterior of Church building. Pastor is staying in touch with James and waiting on good weather for painting.

    3. Parking lot repair: Received a quote from Crisp Paving for $2787. Pastor will take to the session

    4. 2022 Congregational Meeting is Sunday 01/30/2022 to discuss Budget

  3. Item #2 - Mercy Ministry  

    1. Brenda has started New Member Classes

    2. Andrew is up and down. Disappointed by not having a car or the help to get one. Seems to be in a better place today. Had an interview and should know something in a couple of days about employment.

    3. Jannell experienced an overdose and was taken by ambulance to Erlanger Murphy. She is in-patient for 10-days and will then go on an 80-day out-patient rehab program.

    4. New Opportunity to work with Amy Razmusen on program entitled Faith & Finance. will work with Reach to help with training their clients and maybe Brenda.

  4. Item #3 - New Business

    1. Tentative Dates for 2022 Deacon Meetings: 02/24, 03/24, 04/21, 05/19, 06/16, 07/21, 08/18, 09/22, 10/20, 11/17 & 12/22.

    2. Since we have had illness run through our Church. Suggested that Deacons stay in touch with families who have illness for any needs. Pastor will contact Steve with any known families with needs and he will let deacons know.

  5. Closed in Prayer - Bill Sullivan


Action item #1: Create any action items at the end of the section
Action item #2