Children's Ministry Team (CMT)

  • DESCRIPTION:  The purpose of this ministry to come alongside parents, assisting them in the efforts to shepherd their children, with the goal that our children might learn God's Word, love God's Word, and most importantly, love the God of the Word - all in a nurturing and grace-filled environment.  This is in keeping with the following BCO (Book of Church Order) statement:   "The spiritual nurture, instruction and training of the children of the Church are committed by God primarily to their parents." (BCO 28-1)
  • CHANGES:  In the past, there has been a single "Education Team."  In many cases, it was evident, though, that there were two separate groups that were best suited to plan and manage our education efforts - one for adults, and a separate one for our children.  In order make the best possible use of our resources, therefore, we recommend breaking out the adult discipleship, to be managed by the elders (at least until we have sufficient resources to make this a separate ministry team), and making children's ministry a separate team.  We have 19 children (ages 1-16), and and we want a team of people who are excited about developing and implementing a vision for nurturing and discipling our children in the Lord. 
  • LEADER:  (Currently Terry Frederick - looking to find a non-elder leader....if possible)  
  • MEMBERS:  
    • Ensure that the leadership of our children's ministry is provided with the needed training and preparation
      • Suggest scheduling at least two or three of our children's leaders for attendance at one of the PCA's Committee on Discipleship Ministries' (CDM) Established Conferences (budget item)
      • Suggest evaluating available resources for growing and strengthening our children's ministry, including "Children’s Ministry 101" from the PCA's CDM (budget item)
      • Suggest evaluating and making use of the "CDM Toolbox" resources aimed at developing and strengthening our children's ministry
    • Ensure, given the dangers that exist to children in churches today, that precautions are taken to ensure a safe environment for the children of the church to learn and worship
      • Ensure that a safety plan (even a simple one) is developed, containing procedures that must be followed, and any necessary training that needs to be obtained.
    • Ensure that solid, biblical, reformed, age appropriate resources and instruction are provided to parents, in such a way that parents understand how to use them to instruct their children in the faith. 
      • Suggest using the pastor, as well as possibly other teachers within the church, to provide children (not limited to those in the church) with specific, targeted classes during the week (e.g. a Church History class), as an additional resource for parents
      • Suggest making available to parents the entire "Bible Doctrine for Children, Teens, and Young Adults" series (James Beeke) through the church library, as well as providing parents with instruction and encouragement in use of the series
      • Suggest the team listen to the families of the church and be sensitive to their needs and desires for disciple-making
      • Suggest working with the pastor, and/or other teachers, to make a class available to parents on "family worship" which would teach its importance, what it looks like, and provide resources
    • Ensure that the curriculum used for teaching our children is doctrinally aligned with our church, that it meets the needs of the particular children of the church, and that it is suitable for our purposes
      • Suggest maintaining a set of criteria by which curriculum will be measured.
      • Suggest periodically (every few years?) evaluating the S.S. curriculum that we are using, checking available curriculum, and ensure that a change is not needed.
      • Ensure that curriculum needs are planned out and are provided as input to the budget process (budget item)  
      • Suggest evaluating our nursery offerings, and determining the best form of eduction for nursery age  (budget item)
    • Ensure that the teaching positions (e.g. S.S. teachers) are staffed by adults who exhibit spiritual maturity, the ability to teach, basic doctrinal alignment with the PCA, and who are excited about the ministry vision for our children
      • Suggest maintaining a list of substitute teachers for teaching positions
      • Suggest evaluating and planning out training for teachers (budget item)  
      • Suggest using a rotation schedule to provide times of "rest and rejuvenation" for those teachers needing it (perhaps giving "regular" teachers the summer off)
    • Ensure we have the best structure for our Sunday School classes, by age group and considering each child of the church, and recommend changes to the Session
    • Ensure special programs (e.g. "Summer Sunday School") are planned out and provided as needed, to provide for the discipleship of the children and the care of families.  As part of this, consider the possibility of working with the Outreach Team to use these as outreach within our community
      • Suggest continuing to manage and evolve Summer Sunday School
      • Suggest continuing to manage and evolve Kid's Night Out
    • Prayer needs.  Ensure that, following each ministry team meeting, any special prayer needs are provided to the Prayer POC (currently this is the pastor; in the future, this might be a prayer team)
    • Sharing with the church.  Ensure that the congregation is made aware of the initiatives that the CMT is working and planning, areas of progress, and any specific prayer requests.
      • Suggest that, perhaps twice a year, the congregation be given a short, verbal update by making use of a "Ministry Minute" during the Worship Service.
      • Suggest that specific efforts, areas that might require volunteers or involvement from members of the congregation, and other initiatives from the CMT of particular interest, be provided to the congregation through the (planned) newsletter.  (Admin Asst. item)
    • Budget Submissions.  Ensure a budget is established annually for children's ministry, as input to the budget process (Financial Team to provide submission timeframe)
    • Conference/training attendance (e.g. CDM's Established Conference)