Session 7: Organize / finalize goals

CONVICTION FROM RETREAT:  We believe that today we serve primarily as a "receptor" church (designed to attract mainly those who move into the area as already church-goers in a similar context).  We believe that our calling is to serve primarily as a "mission" church (designed to go out and find those with a pressing need for the Gospel).  Certain observations follow from this:

  • This does not eliminate our need to continue to serve as a "receptor" church, as Providence serves as the only Reformed presence for the immediate area (although it is possible that our shift in focus may impact some aspects of our ability to serve as a receptor church)
  • This conviction will, over time, require that intentional changes will need to be made to different areas in how we "do church."

Goals for March Session Meeting

  • Discuss and affirm that the above statement accurately represents our collective conviction.
  • Based upon output from the retreat, agree upon some specific changes (see items below) that will be made over the next year.
  • Need concurrence that this will be communicated at the Fellowship Luncheon on Mar. 19
  • Plan out a strategy for prayer over the next four weeks (see attached prayer targets)
  • Preparation for March Session meeting:
    • From Session #1 (disciple/make-disciples):  Do we need to revisit the question, "Who is a disciple?” OR are you satisfied with the definition we produced?  (Yes - satisfied)
    • From Session #2 (healthy church):  Looking through Session #2, answer these questions - 
      1. name one area in which we are the MOST healthy:  ____Theology_____
      2. name one area in which we are the LEAST healthy:  ___Evangelism____
    • From Session #3 (evaluation):  After reviewing the results from this session (and session #1), do you still agree with them?
      • The rating system could have been more objectively defined, otherwise, everyone still agreed
    • From Session #4 (mission/vision):  Come to the meeting prepared to answer questions for the mission statement (in addressing each of these questions, see the input from Roddy, Wil, and David):
      1. WHO are we?      ___________________________________________________
      2. WHAT do we do?    _________________________________________________
      3. WHERE do we do this?    _____________________________________________
      4. HOW do we do this?    _______________________________________________

Primary Near-Term Changes Discussed

  1. Worship Service.  A couple of changes will be made during the worship service
    1. Encourage individual sharing.  Periodically, we will have a "ministry minute" for someone to talk about a person they have been reaching out to, with a request for prayer given.
    2. Gospel emphasis.  Weekly messages will emphasize the gospel to a greater degree.
    3. Individual prayer prior to service.  Encourage people to use the time during the prelude to be praying for the service and for the people in the congregation.
    4. Prayer with Elders.  Provide opportunity for individuals to pray with the Elders after the service.
    5. Youth to serve.  Corbin to assist with offering (or with greeting and bulletins)?
  2. Outreach.
    1. Homeless Shelter.  Decide how we can reach out to people / families in the local shelter, meeting both physical and spiritual needs.
    2. Summer children's outreach.  Summer of 2017, conduct a children's "VBS-like" class during Sunday School, and reach-out to children in the neighborhoods in the vicinity of the church.
    3. Missions Team.  Form a Mission's Team to coordinate our local and foreign mission's efforts.
  3. Leadership.  
    1. Shepherding.  Elders to begin meeting with individuals & couples, and engaging in one-on-one discipleship
    2. Deacons.  Seek to stand up a team of deacons for the church, as the Lord provides.