7/31/16 - Congregational Meeting

Location: Providence Presbyterian Church

Time: 12:30pm

Moderator: TE David Hina

Clerk:  RE Wil Meiners

Quorum: 17 members present

Meeting Notes

TE David Hina called the meeting to order.

RE Wil Meiners was nominated to serve as clerk.

TE David Hina opened with prayer.

TE David Hina provided a summary of the docket for the meeting.

1) Election of Terry Frederick for the office of Ruling Elder.

2) Election of Trustees

3) Discussion of roof project

Item #1 - Election of Ruling Elder

  • TE David Hina gave a background to the preparations that have led to this vote on Terry Frederick for the office of Ruling Elder.
  • An opportunity for discussion and input was given; there was none.
  • A vote was taken by private ballot and Terry Frederick was elected unanimously.

Item #2 - Election of Trustees

  • TE David Hina provided an explanation of the role of Trustees and the need for additional trustees, as Roddy Alt is the one remaining trustee.
  • TE David Hina called for nominations: Jackie Mueller, Steve Yount, and Don Fouraker were nominated.
  • A vote was taken by private ballot to elect two, and Steve Yount and Jackie Mueller were elected as Trustees.

Item #3 - Replacement of Facility Roof

  • TE David Hina began a discussion of the need for the replacement of the roof of the church. The roof is in need of replacement. The quote for the job is for $35,000. Another immediate need is for some repairs to the parking area. TE David Hina provided a summary of the church financial situation. Expenditures have been about $4,000 under budget, and this combined with solid giving has increased the general fund by about $16,000 over the past six months. TE David Hina provided a proposal to use some money from the general fund ($13,000 suggested) and pledges from the congregation to provide for the cost of the roofing project. A short-term loan could be taken out to cover the funds that are pledged but not received.  
  • TE David Hina called for discussion of the proposal to use pledges to raise the funds for the roof and parking area project.  Don Fouraker suggested using funds from the checking account to cover the pledges, to avoid finance charges from a loan.
  • The plan decided upon is as follows:
    1. Quotes will be taken to determine the cost of the parking lot project (Action: Brad Mueller)
    2. The roofing project will be scheduled with the roofing company at least one month out (Action: Brad Mueller)
    3. Pledges will be taken from the congregation over a period of 2-3 weeks, once the total cost figure is determined and communicated (Action: David Hina)
    4. In the meantime figures will be obtained regarding a loan for the project in order to decide between a loan or using money from the general fund to cover the pledges.
    5. Any difference between the "total project cost" and the "total project provision" (pledges/one-time giving + $13k from General Fund) will then be communicated to the congregation, and a decision will be made (if needed) about how to proceed.

TE David Hina closed in prayer.


