Congregational Meeting - 2/19/2023, 12:40 pm

Moderator: TE David Hina

Clerk: RE Wil Meiners

Purpose: Annual “State of the Church” meeting

Quorum: 26 Communing members present

Open in Prayer: TE David Hina opened in prayer.

TE David Hina began with an overview of the agenda for the meeting. The first item was to review the Mission Statement of the church to focus ourselves on our purpose as expressed in the Great Commission. He then shared a slide on “Growth Opportunities,” laying out ways in which the membership can be engaged in growing spiritually, particularly together with one another. TE David Hina highlighted the Ministry Teams with an encouragement to be engaged in the work of the ministry teams, each member using their gifts to serve the Lord, the body, and our community. Don Foraker asked a question about the Missions Ministry Team, which is not currently in function. Following this, TE David Hina provided a summary of the mission work that Providence supported in 2022 and plans to support in 2023. The next item TE David Hina discussed was our Facilities, highlighting major updates that were completed in 2022 and communicating needed updates to the HVAC system and the plan to work toward that. Next, TE David Hina provided a summary of the Income and Expenses from 2022, the Projections for 2023, and the allocations for Missions Giving. Finally, TE David Hina provided a breakdown of the 2022 Budget, 2022 Actual Expenditures, and 2023 Budget by category. He particularly discussed the work of the Deacons and Elders to reduce spending the broad category of Ministry in order to balance out projected income and expenditures. TE David Hina then opened the floor for questions.

Jim Escuder asked a question about whether we have asked for pledges from the membership regarding annual giving. We have not done this in the past, with the exception of the roof project. Jim followed up by noting that the congregation does not have a regular sense of the financial standing of the church. TE David Hina suggested this be published in a quarter newsletter and/or weekly in the bulletin.

Don Foraker made a motion to adjourn; second by Amy Meiners; all were in favor.

TE David Hina closed in prayer.

We parted ways at 1:18 pm.