11/6/22, 12:50 pm - Called Congregational Meeting

Moderator: TE David Hina

Clerk: RE Wil Meiners

Quorum: 25 members were present

Purpose: Review and update the membership on the finances of Providence Presbyterian Church.

Opening Prayer: TE David Hina opened in prayer.


TE David Hina began with an overview of the purpose of the meeting. He then provided a review of the YTD 2022 Income vs. Expense sheet that was distributed to the attendees. He informed the congregation of the current balance in the church bank account of ~$14,000. TE David Hina also reminded the church of the mission of the church. He also reminded the church that we had adopted a budget at the beginning of 2022 that we recognized as being a challenge to our financial situation. TE David Hina opened the floor to questions.

Bill Oakley asked a question regarding the expenses vs. budget. Spending has largely followed the budget with higher than expected costs in several utility bills, but income has fallen short.

Jim Escuder asked a question about the variance in expenses and income month to month. Treasurer Bill Sullivan and TE David Hina responded that it has been typical.

TE David Hina made a request that the congregation would thank Bill Sullivan for his work as treasurer. He then informed the congregation that we would meet in January to present the budget for 2023.

RE Terry Frederick closed in prayer.