2/28/2021 - Annual Congregational Meeting

Moderator: TE David Hina

Clerk: RE Wil Meiners

Location: Providence Presbyterian Church and virtual via Google Meet

Time: 1 pm

Quorum: Established with 32 members present


TE David Hina opened in prayer.

TE David Hina summarized the purpose of the meeting to provide an overview of what we are about and how we will seek to accomplish that over the course of this year.

TE David Hina began by talking about who we are, referencing Ephesians 2:19-22, and then speaking of our mission, as stated in Matthew 28:18-20.

TE David Hina went on to present the question of what is most important, answering that it is the PEOPLE.

TE David Hina offered a summary of 2020: a Different Year that has forced us to answer the question of what is central. Our central focus has been worship and prayer, making use of a live stream, evening communion service, the courtyard, and bi-weekly prayer services. In addition, there have been discipleship groups, officer training and the election and installation of deacons, adult Sunday school, reduced mercy ministry, outreach activities, and maintaining missions support.

TE David Hina discussed the things that were not able to happen in 2020 that usually do happen such as weekly children’s Sunday school, Summer Sunday School, Kid’s Night Out (starting in a reduced capacity), praise and prayer, some ministry team and leader meetings, starting pinwheel ministry, shepherding, General Assembly, and the women’s retreat.

TE David Hina continued by sharing the resources Providence has, beginning with the people and the facility, including mention of some of the potential facility needs.

TE David Hina then continued the discussion of the resources by discussing the finances of the church, sharing a comparison of the 2020 Budget, 2020 Actual Expenses, and 2021 Budget. He provide additional detail of missions giving as a percentage of the budget. TE David Hina asked whether there were any questions regarding the budget; there were none.

TE David Hina then went into providing a look forward, expressing the desire to reengage ministry teams, to stand up a mercy ministry team. He also shared the progress that has been made on setting up the Providence Library, which is almost ready for use and will be able to be browsed and search online, with a good number of books available to be checked out. Claire Sullivan has agreed to serve as librarian. Discipleship groups will continue and there are plans to add additional groups as needed and possible. Garth Randall is continue to serve in a part-time position, but may be taken under care of the session depending on what transpires regarding the possibility of their return to South Africa.

There were no questions from the congregation, but a comment from Rich Carver regarding God’s amazing providence for us as a congregation. Mary Yount also offered thanks for David Hina and his family.

We concluded with a time of prayers of thanksgiving with TE David Hina closing in prayer.

Keith Hendricks made a motion to adjourn; there was a second by Terry Carver; all were in favor.

The meeting concluded at 1:43 pm.