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Periodically, some requests will be sent out by email, but please check back here often to see all requests and updates as not all will go out on email. Please send any new requests/updates to Pastor David at




Bill Oakley has asked for prayer for his son, Will.  Although they have been strict with isolation, Will (and possibly his wife) has developed symptoms that could indicate the corona virus, so he will be tested today (Wed.), with results coming back on Friday.  Their daughter, Isabella, has cystic fibrosis, which puts her into a high risk category.  Please pray for the Lord's protection and provision.


Al's daughter, Catherine, was on a hover board a couple of days ago and broke her arm, close to the wrist. She now has a cast and is doing well. Please pray for healing.


Update 4/29: David Williams' Dad did pass away on Sunday evening. Because of the COVID19 situation, there will only be a few minutes given to the ceremony, so David and the rest of the family will not be traveling up to Ohio. Pray for the Lord's comfort for the Williams, and that even without the full ceremony, He would use this for His purposes.

David Williams received the news this evening that his Dad may only have a couple of days remaining in this life. His body has been slowly going downhill, so that he recently went under hospice care, so this has not been unexpected. While difficult, David said that his Dad does know the Lord, and so please give thanksgiving to the Lord, even as we pray for the loss to David (and to Lynne, Alexander, Faith, and the rest of the larger family). David's Dad, along with most of the family, lives up in Ohio, so please pray for the Lord's help with decisions for travel and arrangements for the funeral, especially during this time with the COVID19 risks and restrictions.


The Randalls received difficult news regarding their visa application for return to S. Africa. The corona virus crisis has made things that much more difficult for foreign workers and visitors to the country, but in the middle of this they got information that their main avenue of application has not been accepted by the government. They still are looking into different avenues, but it has become more difficult, so please pray for the Lord’s ongoing provision to them and for His comfort during this time, even as we thank Him for using them so wonderfully for the building up of His church here in Murphy.


Update 3/25: Andy is back home from the hospital as of a couple of days ago! I spoke with him for a while earlier this afternoon, and the best thing was - he sounded just like Andy! He has continued to be in a great deal of pain (as expected), but is currently weaning off the pain meds. He said he received a CT scan a couple of days after his surgery, and the results showed that the surgery removed all of the tumor, and showed everything is good. It sounds like his recovery has been going extremely well (apart from the pain), and the hardest thing right now might be to keep him from doing too much. Please continue to pray for his recovery, and thank the Lord for His provision all the way through!

Update 3/20: Andy still seems to be doing well in his recovery. Last word was that he is still in ICU this morning, although it’s possible he could go to a regular room later today. Kellie spoke with him last night, and he was joking around with her some, so that’s a good sign. Kellie said she is now unable to be in with him at all (with COVID-19 restrictions), so she is back home for now. Please continue to pray for a quick and full recovery.

Andy Burton: There was a change of schedule with Andy's surgery, so that they went ahead with it earlier this morning. I just got a report that it's all done now, and the doctors said that everything went well with no complications. Thank the Lord for His goodness and His provision! Will send additional info as we find it out.


Update #2 - 3/17: Andy sent this update earlier today, giving a lot more info about the diagnosis and how he's doing. It should help us to know how to pray: “I feel fine right now but this all started from the whole seizure thing that happened yesterday when I was putting Finn to bed. After getting taken to Murphy Medical and then Erlanger in Chattanooga basically they found a growth on outside of my frontal lobe that needs to be removed. It looks to be on top but they don’t know for sure until they get in there. Surgery is scheduled for Thursday. This area of the brain can affect your personality so depending on how much needs to be cut could affect that, which is my biggest worry. I’ll have to take anti seizure meds forever and no alcohol. Which is fine since I barely drank before hand. From the MRI scans it looks benign but they won’t know 100% until they get it out and tested. They did a CT scan of my abdomen and chest and there was no cancer there so that’s great! They we’re concerned that the brain thing could have come from there, but there was none. Overall I am very happy with the staff and faculty. They seem to really care and answer any questions me or more so my wife has. She’s smarter if you didn’t know. Also just FYI not many hospitals have a neurological surgeon team so I’m very pleased to have one here at Erlanger. They do brain surgery every day here so I’m confident in their abilities. No matter what, I want to thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I don’t know why but I’m not worried, but I bet it has a lot to do with all the prayers being lifted up. God will move in this also.”

Update #1 - 3/17: Wil & Amy had a conference call this morning with Kellie & Andy (and Bertie, Andy's mom) and got this update. Andy has a condition that is causing swelling on the front part of his brain, and therefore the building up of pressure, which caused the seizures. Because it is likely to continue to increase fairly rapidly, he has surgery scheduled for Thursday morning to take care of it. Of good note, the CT scan of Andy's chest and abdomen were shown to be all clear. Please pray that the Lord would draw close to Andy and Kellie as they depend upon Him, and ask for His provision in the upcoming surgery. They continue to have to remain apart, which makes things difficult, so please pray for this as well.

Update #2 - 3/16: Results from the MRI showed an abnormality on the front of Andy's brain, which is leading the doctors to do some additional scans (of abdomen and chest, which will take place tomorrow). An additional challenge is added right now because Kellie is unable to be with Andy because of COVID-19 restrictions at the hospital. Please keep both of them in prayer. Andy's mom is there in Chattanooga, so she is with Kellie overnight. Andy does have his phone, so feel free to send an email for encouragement.

Update #1 - 3/16: Earlier today the doctors ruled out either a stroke or infection as the cause for the seizures. Andy has now had an MRI, but Kellie said the doctor won't be reading it until later tonight. Andy has not had any more seizures, and he's now on preventative meds. It's not clear yet when he'll be able to leave the hospital, but it looks like they will be keeping him overnight (depends on MRI results). Please continue to lift Andy & Kellie up in your prayers.

Burtons: Kellie sent out the following text at 4:50 this morning: "Andy had a seizure late last night. I wasn’t sure what was going on and called 911. They took him to Murphy where a CT scan showed edema...he had a second seizure...transporting to Erlanger when ambulance arrives in approx an hour ...not sure exactly what is going on but please pray for Andy." I spoke with Kellie, and her mom is taking her down to Erlanger Chatt. (the kids are staying back with her Dad). She doesn't know much more at this point. Edema can be caused by a number of underlying issues of varying severity. I will get an update out once we know more, but please be in prayer for Andy & Kellie.


Jerry & Carol Jenkins have a good friend from their church in Canton who just passed away. Linda Nations and her husband Gene were close friends, and very much used of the Lord. The funeral is Friday. Please pray for Gene in this loss.


Carol Donaldson’s granddaughter, Emma (Murfreesboro TN), delivered a stillborn baby boy yesterday. She was expected to deliver within the week. Please pray for Emma and Dylan, and for Carol’s family.


Josh Golden made a trip to the emergency room after spraining his ankle badly. The doctor said he should be able to walk on it almost normally, within a week. Pray for quick healing.


In addition to Rich's client (Anna & John White) for whom we've been praying after they lost their young child, please also keep this other family in prayer following the loss of their 3 y/o child. (Note: this is Rich's email from last Thursday, which I missed in my email. Last night, in an update, he said that oxygen was removed yesterday, since an MRI revealed no brain activity):

"I just took a call from Tripp, another financial advisor and friend from our previous church in Atlanta (Chuch of the Apostles). His sister Mandi and her husband Julian have 3 daughters ages, 12, 4-1/2, and 3 years old.

On Tuesday, at daycare, the 3 year old daughter (who has down syndrome) choked on a cheese stick and was without oxygen for 20 minutes. She is at Scottish Rite in Atlanta on a ventilator and as of 5pm today will not have been able to breath on her own for 48 hours. The family are believers and are praying for a miracle. The doctors are not giving them much hope but they trust God's sovereignty and ability to heal if he should choose to do so.

After 72 hours, the brain swelling should subside enough to do a CAT scan. However, without a miracle, even if the child does survive the doctors say she will not be the same.

Lastly, similar to my client's situation last week, this tragedy is happening around the mother's birthday (12/15).

Please pray God will life them up and comfort them during this difficult time. Tripp said his niece has had such a special place in their family and really helps them see the world differently in a positive way. I'm sure those of us you have known someone with down syndrome would agree they are so special and full of joy. It's hard not to be impacted by their lives. However, we still believe God can heal and extend this precious life if Thy Will Be Done."


From Rich:  Dear Church Family, please pray for my client(s) who lost her 20 month old son during the night last Saturday. See online site.  Anna already lost a pregnancy (maybe 6 months old) on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and then her 20-month old baby boy on Saturday after Thanksgiving.

I cannot imagine the pain and emotions the family is experiencing right now. Although I know God is sovereign over all things, and His plans are not our plans, this will be extremely difficult for their family (even though they are believers). Please take a moment to join me in praying for Anna & John White (parents) as well as Brenda Woodward the grandmother (also a client). They are such a sweet family and this tragedy is certainly going to test their faith and trust in our Sovereign Lord. My prayer is God's unending love and mercy will comfort them all during this time.  Thank you in advance for your faithful prayers!



If you have not yet heard the news, Alexander Williams accepted a job offer to become the KNWA/Fox 24 Weekend Meteorologist in Fayetteville, AR! He will be looking for a place and moving down there at the end of next week. Please pray for God's leading in his plugging into a church in Fayetteville, and for all the new beginnings down there.


Update 10/30/19: We received the wonderful news that Dale's appointment went well this morning, and all her numbers were where they need to be, so she is on her way home TODAY! Please thank the Lord for providing for her and sustaining her all the way through this difficult process!!

Update from Dale Grubb: "I wanted to let you know I went to the Dr. today and everything is looking good. There are counts they are watching before I can come home. One is my white blood count. They want it to be at 3. It is at 2.5. The other one is the platelet count. They want that to be at 100. It is at 83. I have an appt. next Thur.. They think they will be there by then. If so, I will be on my way home. I am feeling great. I get tired easily but that should keep on improving also. I am so thankful how the Lord has brought me through this. Thank everyone for all the prayers!" Please thank the Lord for sustaining Dale, and pray that she will continue to gain strength and that her numbers will be where they need to be.


Update 10/22/19: Al’s surgery did go well. He had a stint put in that will be removed in about a week.

Thank the Lord for providing housing for Al McAllister! He found a place in Hiawassee Dam (Catherine's school district), and he plans to move out there within the next couple of weeks. Al will be having surgery on Friday to remove a large kidney stone causing blockage, so please pray for this surgery. Al continues to look for a low-cost vehicle.


Update 10/25/19: Garth, Katie, and family are now together and made it down to Murphy yesterday!  Thank the Lord for His goodness, and pray for a time of rest and restoration.

Update 10/16/19: Continue to pray for the Randall family. Garth will be traveling to Doha today, and then he will be returning to the States to be reunited with the family in just a day or two. Thank the Lord for keeping Garth safe from the attack a few days ago, pray for safety in travels, and for God's provision in replacing things lost in the robbery.

Garth Randall called and said that he, along with a couple of students from the school in Johannesburg, were held-up at gunpoint and robbed of everything last night. No one was harmed. They were returning from lectures at another school some distance away, when their car broke down. It was while waiting for assistance that they were approached by 5 men who took everything (Garth's phone, wallet, computer, wedding ring, etc.). Please thank the Lord for His protection, and pray for continued protection, and for His provision as they work to replace driver's license's and other material things. Garth is scheduled to travel later this week within S. Africa, and then back to Chicago on the 17th. Please also ask the Lord to comfort Katie, and to increase her strength, as this will be very difficult on her.


Update 10/14/19: From Dale: "I am starting to feel the effects [from the chemo,] but I’m still ok. I appreciate all the prayers and thoughts. Daniel is doing very good. He is in his own room. Jacob said he’s looking towards the middle of the week maybe for them to go get out of the hospital. Praise God!"

Update 10/8/19: We've gotten the report that both Daniel and Andrew made it through their surgeries! A short time ago Dale said that Andrew is in his own room wanting some pizza, so he is doing well. Daniel received the kidney, and he's now with his family. Will get word out when we find out something more.

Daniel Grubb is doing well, and has been all prepped for his surgery, which will be taking place in the morning. Andrew (Daniel's uncle) will be having his surgery an hour before Daniel's surgery (at a different hospital), and the kidney will be transported over just in time for Daniel to receive it.


Update 10/16/19: Yesterday, Alexander Williams received a THIRD offer for a meteorologist position (this one from KNWA In Fayetteville, AR). He's scheduled to fly out early Friday morning to visit the station, and will return on Saturday evening. He said that he’ll have a decision made by Saturday, but he's leaning towards KNWA for many reasons. Thank the Lord for His provision, and pray for wisdom in decision making.

Update 10/7/19: Alexander Williams had a phone interview with a station in Fayetteville, Arkansas today. All went very well, and it appears he may be receiving an offer in the next day or two, as well as offers from other locations at about the same time. Thank the Lord for His blessings, and pray for continued wisdom and guidance for Alexander.

Alexander Williams now has two job opportunities that have just come up over the past few days. One is in Columbus, GA for a Morning Meteorologist position, for which he had a phone interview last Thursday. The other is for a meteorologist position at a station in Harrisonburg, VA. He is headed up there today for an interview. Please pray for God's provision, and for His leading and guiding.


Jacob and Halley Grubb will be leaving tomorrow to take their son Daniel up to Ohio for his kidney transplant surgery, which is scheduled for Mon/Tue next week. His uncle Andrew will be there as well to donate his kidney. Please pray for this journey for each of them, and that God would protect them, provide for them, and that He would receive glory in all that takes place.


Update 10/7/19: Dale is doing well this evening. She had a transfusion catheter put in this morning, and she received her dose of chemo this afternoon. The next step will be the stem cell transplant in the next couple of days. The side effects from the chemo are expected to get progressively more difficult throughout the week. Dale is in room T943 at Emory in Atlanta.

Update 9/25/19: Dale will be having her surgery this coming Monday. It is expected that she will be in the hospital for about two weeks following the surgery, and then will remain down in Atlanta for daily visits and checkups for a while after that. Pray that she will remain healthy for the surgery, and that the Lord will sustain her and provide for her through it.

Dale Grubb has been suffering greatly as a result of shots that she was receiving in preparation for the removal of stem cells from her body (to prepare for stem cell implant surgery Oct. 8). The stem cell removal yesterday was successfully completed, which means she will no longer receive the new shots, and can return to her prior treatment regimen. Continue to thank the Lord for His provision through this process, and that her body will regain strength for the steps that lie ahead.


Continue to pray for the Randall’s. This has been a somewhat difficult time, with their being apart from one another and especially with Katie experiencing a difficult time with sickness. Pray that Garth’s work in S. Africa would be effective, and ask the Lord for his protection. Garth will be traveling from Johannesburg down to Durbin in a few weeks, and then will be returning to the U.S. on 17 October.


Update 9/25/19: The results just came back negative. Please give thanks to the Lord!

Please pray for Lynne William's Mom, Marie Bergeron. Her last mammogram revealed a lump and she is supposed to get the results of the biopsy on Thursday.


Update 9/16/19: Becca reported that Jose is still in a rehabilitation facility outside of Atlanta, but is expected to return home on Wednesday. Testing shows that it was a stress-induced stroke. He has recovered well from it, and they don't expect any lasting effects from it.

Please pray for Jose Cardenas (Becca's husband). He was at work (in Blairsville) just a couple of hours ago, and his left side went numb. The paramedics who checked him out believe that it is likely he had a stroke, so he has been airlifted to the stroke unit in Kennesaw, and should have just arrived there. Please also pray for Becca as she remains back here at home.


We've had Steve & Mary's neighbor John Fillyaw on the prayer list a few times over the past 6 mo. Steve just let me know that John passed away last night at 7:30. The memorial service will be at noon on Saturday at Calvary Chapel, Murphy. Please keep John's wife Jan in your prayers.


Update 9/16/19: The results from Dale's testing last week indicate that she will be able to continue forward with the planned surgery. Next week she will be having a procedure to remove stem cells, and then the implant surgery will be October 8. Please pray that God will continue to strengthen her body, and that their needs will be provided for throughout this process.

Dale Grubb has been scheduled for stem cell implant surgery in early October (within a day of Daniel Grubb's kidney implant surgery!). She has a number of appointments and procedures leading up to this, so please pray for strength for Dale's body, and for the effectiveness of this process.


Marilyn Frederick will be having eye surgery next Thursday in Asheville. Please pray for the Lord's provision.


Garth & Katie Randall (and Sarah, Sam, Patrick, Mary Grace, & Caroline) left yesterday for Michigan. They had some sickness going around (Mary especially). Garth leaves early next week for six weeks in Johannesburg S. Africa, so please keep them in prayer during this time apart.


Update 8/30/19: Continue praying for Frank Hamilton (former Andrews Presbyterian pastor), diagnosed with brain cancer. He is now at Valley View Rehab Center in Andrews (Rm 159D), and he has both difficult days and better days. He is able to communicate well, although he has significant memory loss. Please ask the Lord to sustain and comfort Helen as well.

Please pray for Frank Hamilton (former pastor for many, many years at Andrews Presbyterian), and for his wife Helen. Frank has been at Erlanger in Chattanooga for the past couple of days after taking a fall over the weekend. They found several lesions on his brain, which they believe to be from cancerous tumors. Larry Wilson went to see him earlier today and said he's in very grave condition, and he doesn't think Frank recognized him. They are still doing tests to determine the nature of Franks condition prior to looking at any treatment. Pray for Frank, for Helen, for the church in Andrews, and that the Lord would be glorified in all.
